Moving to Cali: Day Seven

1. My tag cloud is going to have a huge “moving” and “Cali” section. Lol oops. Oh well.
2. Big day in Yellowstone today. Took a five hour drive around plus about three hours stoppage time.
3. Buffalo standing in the middle of the road DO NOT MOVE.
3a. Nor do cars that have stopped to get pictures of an elk ten feet away.
4. Canyons are deep. Got dizzy looking over the edge.
5. Hot springs are hot. Captain Obvious to the rescue!!
5a. And smell like sulphur.
6. Old Faithful didn’t erupt. ):
6a. Other geysers did though. Apparently they’re more faithful than ye olde one.
7. National parks are the biggest irony ever. Preserve wildlife my ass…I’m sure they had to kill some wildlife in order to pave all the roads and create all the walkways, not to mention all the carbon emissions from the automobiles passing by must have some negative effect on wildlife. The best way to preserve wildlife is to not touch it and leave it in it’s natural state, not make it a tourist attraction.
8. Add MT and ID to the list of states I’ve driven in. Currently in ID, going to Nevada tomorrow. One more day until Cali!!!

Zoe is cool. But I know someone else who’s cooler, and the opposite too 😛

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